Mika Dika Foster Kid

The book series Mika Dika Foster Kid serves as a training ground and empowering lighthouse of hope to provide a stronger resilient voice, not just for foster children, but for all kids who want to take a stand against the injustices of life that attempts to destroy, disturb, and assassinate their spiritual, physical, and psychological state of being that hinders the full potential of their future. Let’s unite and build a higher hedge of protection around the children.

Support the Mika Dika 1x1 campaign.

Invest in one, Read to one, Save one.


T.L. Blythers

Mika Dika is well-written, beautifully illustrated, children's book about a young girl who is thrown into the foster care system and endures many challenges while waiting for a permanent home. Mika Dika is smart, energetic, creative and beautiful. Who wouldn't want a child like that? Mika's words will fill your mind and her teddy bear will fill your heart...with love.


Coming Soon:

Mika Dika Peace of Pink!

Mika Dika